Data access. 

ECHILD data are being made available to accredited researchers for research that benefits the provision of healthcare and education in England.

How can I apply to use ECHILD?

Substantive employees or PhD students within UK Universities/institutions can apply to access ECHILD using the following process:

  1. Obtain Full Accredited Researcher status.

  2. Familiarise yourself with the ECHILD User Guide and Data Catalogue.

  3. Ensure that your institution has Assured Organisational Connectivity certified by the ONS Secure Research Service.

  4. Contact the ECHILD team at UCL to discuss feasibility: [email protected]

  5. Conduct Ethics self-assessment.

  6. Complete a project application (RAP) form and a data request form, and submit to the ECHILD team. We aim to provide feedback within 2 weeks of receiving a completed application form.

  7. Once your application has been approved by UCL, you will submit your application form to the ONS Research Accreditation Panel via their online RAS platform. Currently, applications take an average of 10 weeks to be processed by RAS.

  8. Finally, you (your institution) will need to sign a non-negotiable Data Access Agreement (the sublicense) with UCL.

Please note: linkage between ECHILD and additional datasets is not currently permitted.

It is FREE: There are no charges for accessing ECHILD.

Your data access journey: From application to approval

Explore your Data Access Journey Map. Follow each step of the application process from start to secure data access. Check it out here.

5th August 2024

Notice: Data Access update

We are pleased to announce that the ONS RAS is now open to ECHILD applications. Accredited researchers based in UK institutions can access ECHILD data through the ONS Secure Research Service (SRS). If you are interested in utilising ECHILD data for your research, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss the feasibility of your project plans and to receive guidance on the application process, or  you can find more information on how to apply here:

ECHILD Research Areas

ECHILD has been approved for research that has a clear public benefit relating to the provision of healthcare and education. This falls under five themes. 

The linkage of additional datasets to ECHILD Database is not permitted.

  • e.g. do disabled children attending schools or living in areas that provide a good level of support in school or social care services for disability have decreased rates of unplanned hospital contacts compared with les supportive schools/areas?

  • e.g. about variation in Special Educational Needs support and outcomes for children with chronic health conditions or disability

  • e.g. investigating whether associations between chronic health conditions and lower school attainment are explained by school absence. This evidence would be important for policies to reduce school absences for children with chronic conditions.

  • e.g. what are the health outcomes of children post age 16 who have contact with social care services or have special educational needs?

  • e.g. what the most effective methods for working with linked health and education data are. The complexity of ECHILD increases in proportion to the number of datasets and individuals it contains. Therefore, novel approaches need to be investigated to unlock the full potential of the linked data.

Data Access FAQs

Are there any eligibility criteria or requirements for researchers seeking access to the ECHILD database? 

Access can be granted to UK-based researchers who are ONS accredited researchers. Data is accessed via the ONS Secure Research Service (SRS). Project proposals will go through the ONS Research Accreditation Panel process. ECHILD researchers need to have a substantive contract or be registered for a PhD at their organisation. MSc students are not currently allowed to access ECHILD data.

How long does it typically take to receive approval for access to the ECHILD database once a request has been submitted? 

As we are opening ECHILD up to external applicants for the first time, timescales have not yet been measured. However, we will keep track of timelines and will aim to facilitate timely access to the data. ONS timelines indicate an average of 10 weeks for RAS approval of research projects; carefully completed applications and timely response to ONS queries during the review process  can significantly reduce waiting time for approval.

Are there any specific data usage agreements or ethical guidelines that researchers must adhere to when using the ECHILD database? 

Yes. When you sign the Data Access Agreement, you will be informed of all the guidelines and processes that you must follow to keep your work within the governance agreements.

Is there a limit to the amount of data that can be accessed or the duration of access granted to a researcher? 

Your application will have to follow rules of data minimisation and data retention. This means that you will only be given access to the data modules and the years of data that are necessary to answer your research question(s). Any application that requests access to all the data contained within the ECHILD database will not be approved.

Can researchers collaborate or share access to the ECHILD database with other researchers, or does each individual need to request access separately? 

If you have a team, all your names need to be listed in the Data Access Agreement and all researchers need to be ONS Accredited Researchers. The named team of researchers will have access to the data share created for your project.

Are there any fees associated with accessing the ECHILD database, and if so, what is the cost structure? 

Accessing ECHILD is free of charge.

Can researchers access a sample or subset of the ECHILD database before committing to the full dataset, to assess the data's suitability for their research project? 

Not at the moment. Artificial HES data are available here. You will have access to our Data Catalogue and User Guide to help you navigate the database.

What kind of support or resources are available for researchers to assist with data access, management, or analysis while using the ECHILD database? 

Data resources can be found on the data resources section of our website. Further documentation and technical information is available on our GitHub pages. We run ECHILD training courses: contact [email protected] for more information and to join our mailing list, and check our Events page for updates.

Do I need to get HRA ethics?

We don’t require HRA Ethics, but we request that you complete the UKSA Ethics self-assessment tool.