No - the ECHILD Database is “de-identified” which means it doesn’t contain any information that identifies a person. For example, it doesn’t include names, addresses, dates of birth, pupil numbers or NHS numbers.
Keeping the data we use for research safe and secure is a priority for us. One way we do this is by storing and accessing ECHILD in the Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service (ONS SRS). The ONS SRS is a secure system that does not allow researchers to copy or remove data. This means that researchers do not have any data on their own computers. All of our results from (like tables or graphs) are also stored in the ONS SRS. Before we can use them (for example, in a report), they are checked by an independent team at ONS to make sure that they are safe.
All ECHILD researchers have been accredited and trained on how to handle data safely and ethically. Researchers are only allowed to use the ECHILD data to answer questions that will benefit the public. Research questions are agreed at the beginning of the project and have independent ethical approval.
Researchers using ECHILD will not be able to identify you and cannot remove your records from the study directly at your request. You have the right to tell NHS England if you do not want the information you provide to the NHS to be used beyond the purpose of providing healthcare. This is known as a ‘patient objection.' Please visit NHS England’s website for further details. Your choice will not affect the health care or the educational resources you receive.