Outcomes for children with chronic liver disease
This study aims to establish a national data resource for children with chronic liver disease (CLD) using linked health and education records, to evaluate healthcare and educational outcomes (including need for learning support), and their interaction. It will generate evidence to inform future development of guidance on long-term developmental follow-up.
Research questions:
- RQ1 How do developmental outcomes, including school attainment and special educational needs (SEN) support, of children with different liver disease diagnoses compare to each other, and to those of the general population?
- RQ2 To what extent does school absence due to medical care explain the association between CLD and developmental outcomes in children with liver disease?
- RQ3 How do developmental outcomes of children following liver transplantation compare to those who have not undergone liver transplantation?
- RQ4 What is the effect of age at liver transplantation on school age health and educational outcomes?
The study is being led by Professor Katie Harron and Dr Marianne Samyn and is funded BRC Non-Clinical PhD scheme.