New Research will Shed Light on Children with Acquired Brain Injuries in UK Schools

Dr. Hope Kent, an ADR UK Research Fellow, is using the ECHILD dataset to explore the challenges faced by children with acquired brain injuries (ABI) in UK schools. ABI, caused by trauma, infections, stroke, or oxygen deprivation, is often called a "silent epidemic" due to the lack of data and awareness surrounding its long-term effects.

Children with ABI may struggle with cognition, emotional regulation, communication, and fatigue, making it difficult to navigate mainstream education. However, ABI is not currently recognized as a special educational needs (SEN) category in the UK, meaning there is little data on how many children receive support. In contrast, US research suggests that only 18% of children with lasting disabilities from ABI receive special education assistance.

Dr. Kent’s project will use ECHILD’s linked health and education data to estimate how many children in England have ABI, how many receive SEN support, and how their school experiences unfold. The findings could help shape policies to ensure better support for these children.

This research is being conducted in partnership with the UK Acquired Brain Injury Forum, and their National Acquired Brain Injury in Learning and Education Syndicate

🔗 Read Hope’s full blog in the ADRUK website here Looking for the hidden population of children with an acquired brain injury - ADR UK

🔗 Find out more about Hope’s project here


New ECHILD Resource: How To Guides for Data Management and Analysis